V4MD crash can delete data of db (2)

info at vallemediatime.com info at vallemediatime.com
Fri Nov 4 17:32:31 CST 2005

Hi Ruslan,
I've get now again the problem

a 8 MB db size become 200 Kb after a crash.
But in this case I have understand because I've get the crash :

STEP 1:  I called a handler that I've previous commented,
STEP 2:  the Director alert msg tell me: handler not found... (ok I must uncomment the handler...)
STEP 3:  I try to open the script window for correct the error but...
STEP 4:  I get a Director crash and the db file become smallest

It seems to me that in some critical operations (when write to disk perhaps?) the crash can do this... 
much dangerous, any idea?

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