Damaged dbs when killing app in debugger

jda jda at his.com
Mon May 30 14:33:10 CDT 2005

>I just ran a test and it corrupted for me.
>- Add a number of records. The last step is "Flush".
>- While program is idle, force-quit.
>After that, I cannot get back into the database.
>My structure uses five tables and four Binary one-to-many links.

Hi Ruslan,

This reminds me, I've had 2 or three reports in the last week of 
users having corrupted references after having a crash during import 
of records.

I do a flush right before the import, and a flush right after the 
import (if there is more than one record, I flush after every 500).

So why is the database getting corrupted? Do I have to flush after 
*every* record is imported? That would certainly slow things down a 


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