[V4REV] Notes on example stack

Robert Brenstein rjb at robelko.com
Tue Jun 14 01:56:38 CDT 2005

The crashing reported by Trevor is annoying.

Why the name of example stacks (substacks actually) is set to their 
path? It should be the same as the folder name of each example in the 
development folder not the path; for example, 

The last component of substack names is doubled; for example, you 
have Field_Find_Field_Find instead of just Field_Find.

I would suggest that the stack title (another property than name) is 
set to include the parent folder so we know the category of a given 
example; for example, API_way/Fiel_Find. This is what should be in 
the list of examples.

It may be a good idea to open example substacks as modal windows, so 
Revolution does not keep asking whether I want to save changes. For 
example, the RecordLocks example does that very consistently.

Examples that have reporting fields should clear them upon opening 
the stack. For example, when I open RecordLocks second time after 
closing it without dropping both cursors, the last status of each 
select is still shown even though no record is selected. Some 
examples do it already; for example, Error_Handling.

What is the meaning of Debug level 65535? That is what Init_ShutDown 
reports. The DebugLevel shows simple integer, 3.

The Database_CreateCloseOpen stack says it will create a new database 
in the same folder as this project but creates it in the Revolution 
folder, one level higher.

The DebugLevel example creates a different database also one level 
too high. The So is V4REV_log.txt also written one level too high.

Fields with descriptions in Bind_Bind are too small -- text wraps 
into multiple lines but field shows only the first line. This same is 
true for some other examples. The text in those fields seems to be 
bigger than other fields.


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