API methods + binary link + M:M tables

Olivier vidal_olivier at yahoo.fr
Mon Jan 31 15:22:08 CST 2005

Hi Ruslan,

I try to think only in navigationnal way to use the API methods.
But in the following problem, I do not see how I can have an effective 
API code:

I shall like knowing how much there is of persons having the same 
surname in every city. (Statistics).

For example:


Name 	 Counts

name1	 500
name2 	 300
name3 	 100

(thus, there 100 persons at Paris having the surname "name3")


name1	 300
name2	 150
name3 	 80


I think thus of having:

- A city table (there are 36 000 cities)
- A table of surnames (several thousand surnames)
- A table (tbQuantity) making the link between the previous two tables 
AND having a field: "counts" ("counts"=Number of persons having this 
surname in a city)

- A binary link 1:M between the table "quantity" and the table "name"
- A binary link 1:M between the table "quantity" and the table "city"

I think that it is necessary to make the third table (quantity) because 
of this field "counts".

It is not maybe a good structure to use the API methods, but in that 
case, can we better make?

Apparently, the best solution here are join them and SQL?

thank you


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