[V4MD] 2.0 b36 MAC - hint+question

Igor Gomon giv at tlc.kherson.ua
Tue Jan 11 12:58:56 CST 2005

> > res = getRecordsAsPropList(gCur)
> > OK **BUT**
> > If my field type is 'TEXT' then I get something wrong:
> Igor, you need check this
I wrote the next code to check this:

global Valentina

on startMovie
    Valentina = new (Xtra "Valentina")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    Valentina.init("", 8 * 1024 * 1024, "", "")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    db = new (Xtra "VDatabase")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    db.create(the moviePath & "Db1.vdb")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    t1 = db.createTable("Table1")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    fLong = t1.createLongField("fLong")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    fText = t1.createTextField("fText", 1024)
    if CheckValError() then exit

    -- Add one record.
    fLong.value = 1
    fText.value = "AAA"
    if CheckValError() then exit

    cur = db.sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM Table1")
    if CheckValError() then exit

    rec = cur.getRecordAsPropList()
    if CheckValError() then exit

    put rec



The resulting output is:
-- [#fLong: 1, #fText: "AAA"]

So, on my side all is working fine.
Can you give me an example of code that gives you wrong result?

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at tlc.kherson.ua
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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