sql speed

Robert Brenstein rjb at robelko.com
Sun Feb 27 16:20:38 CST 2005

>>I suggest looking at VBitSet and VSet in the V4RB Reference PDF. 
>>You can use the Union method to merge your sets and it will be much 
>>faster. However, I don't see an obvious way to convert it into a 
>>VCursor as a last step. That should be possible I think. Maybe you 
>>can Feature Request something. :^)
>Hi Frank,
>Yes, good idea. I thought of VSets, but I do need a cursor at the end...

Have you  about having an ancillary field to define sets? I mean a 
field either boolean (if a single set possible) or byte (if more) 
that is preset to 0 (using UpdateAllRecords) to indicate a given 
record is not part of the set. This allows you to mark and unmark 
records (individually or whole cursor) and then do a search on that 
field at the end to create your big cursor. It would also eliminate 
checking for duplicates.

In other words, if I understand your problem correctly, the logic would be

reset the marker field for all records that are not reset
do search 1
set the marker field in whole cursor
do search 2
set the marker field in whole cursor
search for records with marker field set


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