help requested figuring out error

Dave Parizek dave at
Fri Feb 18 19:47:56 CST 2005

I am having problems loading an xml database dump.  I create the 
dump, and have successfully loaded it into a new database with the 
example app from Paradigma "XML_DUMP_Database.rb".  I have looked all 
thru the example code and can't see what I am doing wrong.  And I am 
going nuts because it should be simple.

Perhaps someone else can see? Please please please?

Here is the code, it crashes RB5.5.4 Mac when it gets to the LoadDump 
statement, msgbox never displays.  mDatabase is a property of my app.


   dim fxml, fnew, fold as FolderItem
   dim fname, fnewname, s, s1 as string
   dim od as new OpenDialog
   dim newdb as VDatabase

  od.title = "Select the JaneDB XML Database Dump file you wish to import"
   od.PromptText = "The file you are selecting should have a name 
something like 'JaneDB_Dump'"
   fxml = od.ShowModal()

   fnewname = "JaneDB_temp"
   fnew = GetFolderItem(fnewname)


   newdb = new VDatabase(1)
   newdb.LoadDump(fxml, fnew, EVDumpType.kXML)
   msgbox "made it to here"
   newdb = nil


Dave Parizek
Dave at

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
                  -- Groucho Marx

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