IndexStyle suggestion

jda jda at
Thu Feb 3 08:45:18 CST 2005

>Currently, we have the ability to IgnoreLength and IgnoreWords. 
>What I would like to see is the ability to "IncludeWords" which 
>would be used in combination with IgnoreLength.  As an example:
>MyStyle.IgnoreLength = 3
>MyStyle.IncludeWords = "red" ---> actually, this would be an array
>So, any words with a length of 3 or less ("a", "and", "the", "but", 
>etc.) would be ignored except for the word "red" which I would like 
>to have indexed.

The obvious corollary would be


You could then intelligently ignore words you wanted to, regardless 
of length. I'm not sure how useful this would be, but it's a thought.


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