DRAFT of specification if Indexing By words for strings.

jda jda at his.com
Wed Sep 22 09:41:23 CDT 2004

>On 9/22/04 4:16 PM, "Ruslan Zasukhin" <sunshine at public.kherson.ua> wrote:
>>>  I think the ability to let developers specify certain index
>>>  properties would be very powerful, and I'm sure that many other uses
>>>  would be found for this (other than my issue about sorting). One
>>>  minor point, since you would want this to be extensible, would be to
>>>  name the methods something like this: .AddIgnoreWord,
>>>  .DeleteIgnoreWord, and .DeleteAllIgnoreWords.
>This is what I have made in C++
>     If some Vstring or VarChar or VText field has option IndexByWords is TRUE,
>     then this class can specify additional parameters for its index.        
>     This parameters allow to developer/user better control the full 
>text indexing.
>     This parameters have no affect if option IndexByWords is FALSE.

Hm, but since you can't sort on an indexbywords, those won't help 
with the sorting issue, will it? To sort a field you need to simply 
have an index, and in that case can't use the ignore words feature. 
What am I missing?


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