Sorting compound names

jda jda at
Mon Sep 20 11:08:41 CDT 2004

>I don't wish to belabor the point -- and I promise not to write 
>further on the topic unless you specifically ask.  I'm writing again 
>only because I'm not sure I communicated my point clearly the first 

I very much appreciate your input.

>>"This is one of these anglocentric idiosyncrasies which horrify 
>>Germans, Dutch, Swedes and so on."
>Do all of your authors' names really follow the same sorting rules? 
>There are so very many different -- conflicting! -- rules and 
>customs:  sometimes varying by language, sometimes by country, by 
>region, or by culture.  The list I sent the other day was supposed 
>to show the inconsistencies inherent in the preferences of different 
>peoples, not an Anglo predilection for sorting by "whole" last names.
>For example, I'm sure you saw that some of the "vans" were sorted 
>under "V", such as
>     - Van Devanter, Willis
>     - Van Rensselaer, Stephen
>Yes, they're both Americans, and their last names are sorted under 
>"van" -- that's where you'd find them in a biographical dictionary, 
>too.  *But* the list also included
>     - Beethoven, Ludwig van
>     - Braun, Wernher von
>properly sorted under "B."
>I wasn't trying to argue that you should always sort by the whole 
>last name -- rather, that rules and conventions vary incredibly, and 
>that there is no algorithm you could use to ensure that authors are 
>alphabetized in the manner that they would wish.
>The db design that would give you the most flexibility for dealing 
>with this inconsistency is to have an author-name-sort non-method 
>field.  Perhaps you could initially populate it using rules that you 
>deem appropriate for the majority of your (Dutch & German?) authors, 
>but then you could easily override the sorting order on a 
>case-by-case basis.
>Whatever you decide, good luck with your project!

The method route won't work, because the Valentina functions aren't 
robust enough to handle what needs to be done (e.g. multiple words to 
ignore, multiple names in a field, etc.). The tmp table method I 
outlined before will work though, I think.

I agree with your point about inconsistencies between languages, 
regions, etc. My application is international, and is used by folks 
from the US to Europe to Asia.

I would offer "German/Dutch/whatever" sorting as an option the user 
can set a runtime. It will basically ask what words are to be ignored 
when sorting records by name, so it's generic. I imagine most users 
will not want it. But for those who do (i.e. the non-anglophilic 
person you quoted above) it should suffice.

Thanks again,


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