Sorting compound names

jda jda at
Mon Sep 20 08:38:22 CDT 2004

>le 19/09/04 15:40, jda <jda at> a écrit :
>>  Imagine a database containing books, each book
>>  having from 1 to n authors. If > 1 author, the
>>  names in the authors field are separated by CRs.
>>  We want to sort the records by the authors field.
>I understand better.
>I don't think it's possible unless you use a second table in witch you store
>the authors, one per record, because I believe that the Replace function
>replace only the first occurrence.

Yes, that's the conclusion I came to as well. 
Even making it more difficult with a method, 
there may be dozens of prefixes that need to be 
ignored (van, von, de, etc.). So I'm going to try 
the procedure I outlined earlier (unless, Ruslan, 
you think there is a better way???).


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