V4RB2 // storing encoding

erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Sat Oct 23 09:21:14 CDT 2004

on 23-10-2004 8:11, Ruslan Zasukhin at sunshine at public.kherson.ua wrote:

>>>> sure, that is why I expect to deal with that data in my preferred
>>>> encoding
>>>> I really can appreciate that Vale will convert any string fed to her
>>>> into preferred encoding, this is smart
>>>> But I'd expect to get back my data in that encoding and not have to
>>>> convert them from UTF8
>>> I see.
>>> Okay I see 2 steps for this
>>> 1)      GetString( Locale as String )
>> maybe you mean GetString( Encoding as String ) ?
>> btw why not use the Encoding RB object to tell Vale about this?
>> e.g.
>> GetString( Encoding as textEncoding )
>> db.StorageEncoding as TextEncoding
>> etc.
> Because here must be names of encodings that ICU want to see
> Actually this is ISO names:
> GetString( "Latin-1" )

IIRC Textencodings have an InternetName read only property that should be
what ICU wants to see

enc = Encodings.MacRoman
s = enc.InternetName  // s = "macintosh"

enc = Encodings.WIndowsLatin1
s = enc.InternetName  // s = "windows-1252"
enc = Encodings.ISOLatin1
s = enc.InternetName  // s = "ISO-8859-1"

enc = Encodings.UTF8
s = enc.InternetName  // s = "UTF-8"

and so on...  

can we use these strings as parameters?

it would be easier though if I could talk with vale in terms of
TextEncodings objects

>>> 2) add also
>>> db.IOEncoding
>>> So if you always want work in UTF16 then inform about this db object.
>> fair enough :!)
>> still looking a bit redundant
> Why ?

maybe there's something I miss
but I can't see why I would want to store data in a different encoding than
the one I want to work with

Cool Runnings,
| e r |  Ernesto Giannotta
| n e |  Musical Box - a media store

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