V4RB 2 examples - Records_AddDeleteUpdate

erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Sun Nov 14 19:45:42 CST 2004

Hello Ruslan,

I've noticed that the Records_AddDeleteUpdate example does not work
it has an error in code where an empty cursor is created:

   mCursor = mDatabase.SqlSelect( "SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE false")

in this read only cursor records can't be added, edited or deleted

should be:

mCursor = mDatabase.SqlSelect( "SELECT * FROM T1 WHERE false", 
EVCursorLocation.kServerSide, EVLockType.kReadWrite, 
EVCursorDirection.kRandom )

I know this is an easy fix but maybe you want to update the example file

Cool Runnings,
|er| musical box
|ne| a media store

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