
jda jda at his.com
Wed Nov 10 09:07:34 CST 2004

>>  What I've tried with v2 now is to "hijack" an existing indexed field
>>  (e.g. authors) and use it to get the splittowords result. This works,
>>  but if I call it repeatedly from different methods -> crash. So I'm
>>  thinking I need to create a table and a field dedicated to just this
>>  one function.
>NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>You need call SplitToWords using that field into which you will store

I haven't heard you yell like that for a long time! :-)

I'm not storing the string anywhere.

I'm taking a string that the user types in and creating an SQL query 
with it. That's all. And I need that because otherwise I can't 
prepare the SQL search properly for indexedByWord fields. That's why 
I wanted something like s = Valentina.SplitToWords.


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