
jda jda at his.com
Tue Nov 9 21:21:22 CST 2004

>New function added into Vstring, VVarChar and Vtext fields
>     SplitToWords( inStr as String ) as String
>It can be used only if field is indexed self.
>It take into account  the index style for given field.

Ruslan, I've gotten SplitToWords to work, but it's pretty cumbersome 
and, for reasons I can't quite figure out yet (no doubt due to 
conflicts with the database object) I'm able to crash my app with it.

Is there some reason this can't be implemented in a more 
straightforward fashion, like Valentina.EscapeString? Do we really 
need to go to the trouble of creating an indexedbyword field first 
and then using its method to splitByWord?


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