[ANN] V4RB b6 uploaded

jda jda at his.com
Mon Jun 21 10:43:01 CDT 2004


Are we supposed to be able to create databases? When I run your 
Method Create example, it works. But when I use my code it fails. 
Here is my code:


     tempDataBase = new MyDataBase -- no error

     tempDataBase.Create(f, 1, 2 * 1024 )

     if tempDataBase.ErrNumber <> 0 then -- no error. ErrNumber = 0.
       return false
     end if

     myCursor = new VCursor(tempDataBase, "select * from references 
where RecId=0", kServer, kReadWrite) -- no error

myCursor.LongField("uniqueID").SetString(str(generateUniqueID(0))) -- 
nilobject error


I can tell you that the folderItem is never created (exists = false).

Any thoughts?


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