FW: Some Features I think that will be cool

Ang Siow Chen maillist at darke.biz
Sun Jun 20 10:04:00 CDT 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Ang Siow Chen [mailto:siowchen at darke.biz]
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2004 9:46 PM
To: Mailing List - Valentina Beta
Subject: Some Features I think that will be cool

Hi ruslan...

Thanks for inviting me to come on board to provide my 5 cents worth for the
new V2 of Valentina.

I think one of the most promising features would be POINTERS.

Let me explain..

Pointer records is a brilliant idea if it could be used in the way..
as mentioned POINTERS are just data pointing to somewhere else..

Why should the system have pointers only be able to point to a record
Can your pointer by such that it can point to a table / a record / a field??

Meaning its just a pointer and it can be used to point to anything, and this
ability should propagate around.. such that the pointing is done
automatically by the system.

meaning in the same table one pointer may be pointing to another record in
the same table, the very next record's pointer may be pointing to the whole
table, when the next may be pointing to another record or field in another

I think this will be a veyr ver good feature if you can implement this as
part of your design.

Warmest Regards
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