V4RB b9 uploaded

jda jda at his.com
Thu Jul 22 14:34:36 CDT 2004

>I have found that problem is caused by left() function
>line 1:41: unexpected token: (
>line 1:42: expecting ')', found 'left'
>line 1:56: expecting ')', found ','
>line 1:59: unexpected token: )
><AST>: unexpected AST node: <ASTNULL>
><AST>: unexpected AST node: <ASTNULL>
>select id,hit from thereferences where ((left(allFields, 1) = 'PETER'))

Hm, wasn't the integer parameter in LEFT unnecessary? I mean, I seem 
to recall it doesn't do anything, but was left over from some old 
implementation (or was never implemented)...


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