"collationstrength = 1" doesn't render field case-insensitive

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Tue Dec 14 18:43:46 CST 2004

On 12/14/04 6:06 PM, "Erik Mueller-Harder"
<valentina-list at vermontsoftworks.com> wrote:

>>> VarChar fields with a collationstrength of 1 are not found with
>>> FindContains unless the search-text capitalization exactly matches.
>>> E.g., "Cabot" is not found if you search for "cabot".
>>     0 - ignore case + ignore accents
>>     1 - ignore accents
>>     2 - nothing ignore (i.e. The same srtings)
>> So what you want to get ?
> Sounds like "0" is what I want.
> Given the lack of documentation (not your fault!  I know this is an
> alpha! :-), I'd been using
> <http://www.roguewave.com/support/docs/leif/sourcepro/html/i18nref/
> rwucollator.html>
> for definitions and explanations of collation.  There, your "0" is
> defined as "primary," your "1" as "secondary," etc.
> Hmmm....  Actually, I'd used your EVColAttributeValue.kPrimary enum.
> You (like Rogue Wave) have enums kPrimary, kSecondary, kTertiary, and
> kQuaternary.  How do these correspond to your numerals above?
> kPrimary is *not* ignoring case, currently.

REALconstant EVOsConstants[] =
    { "kDefault        = 0" },
    { "kMacOS        = 1" },
    { "kWindows        = 2" },
    { "kLinux        = 3" },

REALconstant EVDebugLevelConstants[] =
    { "kLogNothing        = 0" },
    { "kLogErrors        = 1" },
    { "kLogFunctions    = 2" },
    { "kLogParams        = 3" },

REALconstant EVDbModeConstants[] =
    { "kDscDatBlbInd    = 1" },
    { "kDsc_DatBlbInd     = 2" },
    { "kDsc_DatBlb_Ind    = 3" },
    { "kDsc_Dat_Blb_Ind    = 4" },
    { "kDscDatBlb_Ind    = 5" },
    { "kDscDat_Blb_Ind    = 6" },
    { "kDscDatInd_Blb    = 7" },
    { "kDsc_DatInd_Blb    = 8" },

REALconstant EVFlagConstants[] =
    { "fNone                     = 0" },
    { "fNullable                 = 1" },
    { "fIndexed                 = 2" },
    { "fUnique                     = 4" },
    { "fIndexByWords             = 8" },
    { "fCompressed                 = 32" },
    { "fMethod                     = 64" },

REALconstant EVOnDeletionConstants[] =
    { "kNoAction     = 0" },
    { "kSetNull     = 1" },
    { "kCascade     = 2" },
    { "kRestrict     = 3" },
    { "kDefault     = 4" },

REALconstant EVOnUpdateConstants[] =
    { "kNoAction     = 0" },
    { "kSetNull     = 1" },
    { "kCascade     = 2" },
    { "kRestrict     = 3" },
    { "kDefault     = 4" },

REALconstant EVRecursionDirectionConstants[] =
    { "kFromParentToChild     = 0" },
    { "kFromChildToParent     = 1" },

REALconstant EVStorageTypeConstants[] =
    { "kDefault     = 0" },
    { "kDisk         = 1" },
    { "kRAM         = 2" },

REALconstant EVCursorLocationConstants[] =
    { "kClientSide         = 1" },
    { "kServerSide         = 2" },
    { "kServerSideBulk     = 3" },

REALconstant EVLockTypeConstants[] =
    { "kNoLocks     = 1" },
    { "kReadOnly     = 2" },
    { "kReadWrite     = 3" },

REALconstant EVCursorDirectionConstants[] =
    { "kForwardOnly = 1" },
    { "kRandom         = 2" },

REALconstant EVLinkTypeConstants[] =
    { "kMany     = 0" },
    { "kOne     = 1" },

REALconstant EVFieldTypeConstants[] =
    { "kTypeEmpty        = 0" },
    { "kTypeEnum        = 1" },
    { "kTypeBoolean        = 2" },
    { "kTypeByte        = 3" },
    { "kTypeShort        = 4" },
    { "kTypeUShort        = 5" },
    { "kTypeMedium        = 6" },
    { "kTypeUMedium        = 7" },
    { "kTypeLong        = 8" },
    { "kTypeULong        = 9" },
    { "kTypeLLong        = 10" },
    { "kTypeULLong        = 11" },
    { "kTypeFloat        = 12" },
    { "kTypeDouble        = 13" },
    { "kTypeLDouble        = 14" },
    { "kTypeDecimal        = 15" },
    { "kTypeDate        = 16" },
    { "kTypeTime        = 17" },
    { "kTypeDateTime    = 18" },
    { "kTypeString        = 19" },
    { "kTypeVarChar        = 20" },
    { "kTypeFixedBinary    = 21" },
    { "kTypeVarBinary    = 22" },
    { "kTypeBLOB        = 23" },
    { "kTypeText        = 24" },
    { "kTypePicture        = 25" },
    { "kTypeSound        = 26" },
    { "kTypeMovie        = 27" },
    { "kTypeRecID        = 28" },
    { "kTypeOID            = 29" },
    { "kTypeObjectPtr    = 30" },
    { "kTypeObjectsPtr    = 31" },
    { "kTypeTimeStamp    = 32" },

REALconstant EVDumpTypeConstants[] =
    { "kSQL                = 1" },
    { "kXML                = 2" },

REALconstant EVDumpDataConstants[] =
    { "kStructureOnly        = 1" },
    { "kStructureAndRecords    = 2" },
    { "kRecordsOnly            = 3" },

REALconstant EVVerboseLevelConstants[] =
    { "kNone        = 0" },
    { "kLow            = 1" },
    { "kNormal        = 2" },
    { "kHigh        = 3" },
    { "kVeryHigh    = 4" },

REALconstant EVColAttributeConstants[] =
    { "kFrenchCollation            = 0" },
    { "kAlternateHandling        = 1" },
    { "kCaseFirst                = 2" },
    { "kCaseLevel                = 3" },
    { "kNormalizationMode         = 4" },
    { "kStrength                 = 5" },
    { "kHiraganaQuaternaryMode     = 6" },
    { "kNumericCollation        = 7" },
    { "kAttributeCount            = 8" },

REALconstant EVColAttributeValueConstants[] =
    { "kDefault                    = -1" },

    { "kPrimary                    = 0" },
    { "kSecondary                = 1" },
    { "kTertiary                = 2" },
    { "kDefaultStrength         = 2" },
    { "kQuaternary                 = 3" },
    { "kIdentical                 = 15" },
    { "kOFF                        = 16" },
    { "kON                        = 17" },

    { "kShifted                    = 20" },
    { "kNonIgnorable            = 21" },

    { "kLowerFirst                = 24" },
    { "kUpperFirst                = 25" }

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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