DB size

jda jda at his.com
Mon Dec 13 15:07:36 CST 2004

>>>  In the same time SYSTEM TABLES always will be in UTF16
>>  That's not a lot though, is it?
>Yes, just 200-1000 records.

Hi Ruslan,

Sorry to follow up so late, but the inordinate size of "small" db's 
is going to be a big problem for me. With my main app I distribute 
hundreds of dbs containing perhaps a total of 1K of actual data that 
is used for controlling certain functions. When they were 200 KB 
(V1.x) it wasn't so bad. But now an empty file is clocking in at 1.4 
MB! Storing as UTF-16 has nothing to do with this enormous increase, 
of course (I did have to increase the segment size from 512 to 1024 
in v2.x, too, or I would get crashes, and that accounts for some of 
it). I simply can't use hundreds of MB for these files. I certainly 
hope there is a way to get the size back to 1.x levels.


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