[SJHS-Swim] Fw: Districts and Regionals

Lynn Connery-Winter lynncwinter at verizon.net
Thu Jan 26 17:59:45 CST 2012

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From: DD Ross <xcmom at aol.com>
To: Xcmom at aol.com; lynncwinter at verizon.net; timwinter1802 at verizon.net; a.tom0318 at gmail.com; d.c.sorensen at comcast.net; medak4 at verizon.net; cgpurnell at hotmail.com; m.a.sorensen at comcast.net; martin_u2001 at verizon.net; mysticmutt at verizon.net; charles.thornburg at verizon.net; darlene.thornburg at gmail.com; grahamj31 at aol.com; ira.keltz at fcc.gov; amgodbole at juno.com; nogoalz at verion.net; cpolk39503 at comcast.net; tpurnell at manassaslowyers.com; alambrecht1 at hotmail.com; bea2 at comcast.net; HAD at DWGP.com; sandradugan at comcast.net; delsordo1 at comcast.net; delsordo at argwlawfirm.com; mgodbole at micron.com; gennello at verzion.net; tgennello at yahoo.com; odupre at hotmail.com; amberb42001 at yahoo.com; mcjaldr at hotmail.com; lena.azar at hotmail.com; toney.azar at gdit.com; cruz.chary at yahoo.com; saic_Edgar at yahoo.com; conniel at cerniuk.org; williamg at cerniuk.org 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: Districts and Regionals

I will try to answer your questions the best way I can. 

Everyone will be entered in the District Championships.  The results of the Districts will be as follows: the top 8 individual finishers and the top 4 relays will advance to the Regionals.  Also, anyone who achieves a regional qualifying time either during the regular season or the District meet will also advance, that includes relays.

That having been said, if your swimmer has been in the "A" or "B" relay during the season there is a chance they may advance to the regional meet as we will have alternates in case of illness or other unforeseen factors for the relays.  

You can check online for regional and state qualifying times for 2011-12 for swimming (you want Short Course Yards) if you think your child has a time that is close to qualifying.  However, I have spoken with the swimmers who are most likely to qualify.  We do have two boys relays that may not only finish in the top four, but might make the Regional cut-off.  Our girls relays will have a much better chance next year, we have an up and coming Freshman/sophomore group that is awsome, but remember at the District meet each team may only enter one relay team per relay event so we have a much better chance even with the girls of making it to the regional meet.  There are only 5 teams in our District.

At the District meet each team as with all meets may enter each swimmer in 2 individual events and 2 relays or 1 individual event and 3 relays.  But unlike other meets I may only enter one relay per relay event.  So the fastest combination in each relay will be entered.  It is the one time where not everyone will swim a relay.

Unfortunately our District meet is Feb. 3 and the Deadline to order the T-shirts for Regionals is the 1st.  Not sure why they didn't take into account the teams still having meets.

I am sending a note to the meet director, but not sure how much it will help in trying to get us a couple extra days.

We are going to ask all the swimmers to be at the Regional meet in support as it will be at the Freedom Center on Feb.10.  I understand there is a District Chorus Event that day. So those swimmers may join us on their Triumphant Choral return!  They need to be in their team warm-ups, suits, t-shirts, to get into the area.  It will be crowded.

BTW the State Meet will be at GMU Aquatics Center in Fairfax on the 17th and 18th.

We are very lucky to have everything in our backyard this year.

Carpe Lacus,
Coach Ross
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