[SJHS-Swim] Regional Swim Meet, Friday, February 10th

Diandrich Blodgett mcjaldr at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 9 05:35:30 CST 2012

Good Morning,

Here is an updated list of the volunteers. I appreciate those who are willing to help and several of you don't even have swimmers swimming at this meet! You are awesome!

They indicated they would get me a list of shift assignments for the on-deck volunteer positions but have not yet let me know. I will pass it on to those of you timing and running when I get that list.

We will be getting to you about the team banquet. If you are interested in helping with the banquet please let me know.

See you at the meet!

Thank you,


1. Susan Doster (prefer 3rd shift)
2. Candice Purnell (prefer 3rd shift)
3. Judy Pomajevich (prefer 3rd shift)

Runner or Timer:
Connie Cerniuk (prefer 1st or 3rd shift)


Gym Monitor:
1. Lynn Winter
2. Diane Blodgett

Water for the team:
1. Dugan
2. Pomajevich

1. Kielbasa
2. Winter

1. Pomajevich (Granola Bars)
2. Blodgett (grapes)
3. Winter (energy bars)
4. Kielbasa 

Thanks again,



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